Direct Stomach Acid Testing

Direct Stomach Acid Testing by Heidelberg pH Capsule

The problem with Stomach Acid

whether Too Much or Too Little

is NOT KNOWING which you have !

— Dr Tom

Inappropriate treatment of ‘heart-burn’ without knowing precisely what the stomach is doing can contribute to:

  • increased risk of Diabetes
  • increased risk of Cancer
  • recurrent H. pylori stomach & duodenal ulcers
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency, anemia, and neuropathy
  • Osteoporosis
  • Skin rashes

There are a number of credible studies which have linked inappropriate use of antacids, OTC and prescribed anti-histamine H2-blockers (Tagamet/Cimetidine, Zantac/Ranitidine, Pepcid/famotidine, Axide/Nizatidine) and ‘Proton Pump Inhibitors’ (Nexium/esomeprazole, Prevacid/lansoprazole, Prilosec/omeprazole) with a number of more serious and insidious conditions.

Too little stomach acid can lead to:

  • abdominal pain
  • parasites
  • allergies
  • auto-immunity, Leaky Gut
  • arthritis
  • bad breath

Too much stomach acid can lead to:

  • delayed emptying or food retention in the stomach
  • gas, bloating
  • belching, flatlence
  • irritable bowel
  • dental cavities
  • gall stones
  • kidney stones

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, or you have been using antacids, ‘H-2 blockers’, or ‘PPI’ proton-pump-inhibitors for more than 2 weeks, then get a Direct Stomach Acid Test.

When ‘heartburn’ is appropriately treated with antacids, H-2 blockers, or PPI proton pump inhibitors and the symptoms goes away, it is important to KNOW that the conditions which brought on the problem is completely remedied.

After appropriate treatment for Acute Duodenal Ulcer, this tracing shows near-normal function of the stomach.

Many people with ‘heartburn’ think their stomach acid is HIGH … when in fact the same symptoms are produced when the stomach acid is LOW.

Since stomach acid is required to sterilize microbes on raw salads and other foods, it puts the body at risk of GI infections.

Also, stomach acid is required for digestion of proteins into tiny amino acids (the building blocks of tissues and neurotransmitters). In my experience, anyone suffering from anxiety/panic attacks, insomnia, depression or mood disorders should be checked to adequacy of stomach acid. No stomach acid … no neurotransmitters.

This is a classic example of someone suffering longterm from ‘heartburn’ which never got better with antacids or proton pump inhibitors. They were demoralized, depressed over years of stomach issues. After the Direct Stomach Acid Test and appropriate treatment, their symptoms abated and their anxiety and depression could be addressed without pharmaceutical drugs.

Each of us have experience a time when we sat down to a meal, then something shifted … a arguement perhaps, an untoward news report from the other room … and we pushed our chair back from the table, knowing we couldn’t digest the beautiful meal in front of us.

Just as the brain can turn ‘up’ stomach acid, it can also turn if ‘off’.

This individual had chronic stress-induced loss of stomach acid secretion, until the conversation shifted to a topic particularly irritating. The Direct Stomach Acid Test was able to uncover both the chronic nutritional deficiency of the individual’s neurotransmitters AND the hypersecretion of acid while reminded of a relationship needing healing.

Sometimes the BEST treatment of stomach issues is not drugs at all, but our habits and activities surrounding the times of our eating. My book, Eat-Taste-Heal, addresses this extensively in the chapter entitled ‘The A,B,C’s — Ambiance, Blessing, and Consumption’ of food.